
Day 2 summary needs to wait until I find WiFi.

A long and undulating second day.



Sandwich stop in Balmaha.

Which is a fantastic word to shout in a bad Scottish accent.

Loch Lomond from Conic Hill.

Half way through today’s route.

These Aloe Vera ear plugs blocked out most of the snoring and noisy sleeping pads at the camp site last night.

Nothing could stop the 4:30 alarm from the birds though.

ear plugs

Well this is a first.

Night 1 of the West Highland Way for me is a stay at Drymen Camping, eating pizza in my tent.


Eating pizza inside my tent.

Off to a very damp start.

3rd time doing the rain jacket on and then off again dance.

92 miles to go.

A sign saying Fort William (the end of the route) is 92 miles away.

I’m walking The West Highland Way.

Almost 100 miles, should take about a week, so this is now a hiking and camping micro blog.

The starting point of The West Highland Way in Milngavie, Scotland.

The 2 late week notes are delayed yet again. I’d hoped to write them on the train but the views heading to Scotland were too good to ignore.

At least I can see the way down.

⛰️ Moel Siabod

Hiking path down a hill, clouds cover the top third of the image and the valleys below and some other hills can be seen in the distance

I climbed 872 metres for these views.

⛰️Moel Siabod

Visibility of only a few metres because I’m in a cloud Moel Siabod trig point

Coffee and my first ever I-cycled-50-miles-in-a-week-biscuit.

Day 5/5 complete.

a black Americano coffee and a biscuit, along with a bike helmet, on a wooden bench at the Cafe at the top of the hill

Found a secret beach.

It’s on Komoot and is pretty well sign-posted from the path, but it’s a secret.

Day 4/5 complete.

a tunnel that leads to a small secluded beach

I climbed a 10% hill.

I then had to bask in the glory of my accomplishment for a minute.

Day 3/5 complete.

a gravel bike leaning against a barrier beside the sea

Coach asked if a photo every day was necessary?

I’m undecided.

Day 2/5 complete.

a gravel bike standing near a stone beach, looking out to the sea on a sunny day

Bank holiday by the sea.

a small boat near the shore where tourists are sitting on sand

Coach says if I want to cycle 50 miles in a day I must first cycle 50 miles.

So I’ve split it over 5 days.

Day 1/5 complete.


gravel bike on a stone beach

Got any tips for getting started with RSS readers?

I’ve installed NetNewsWire on my phone and laptop and they sync from FreshRSS which is running in my homelab.

Which feeds do you recommend?

Weeknotes 002

Another missed opportunity to photograph my food. Another weeknotes.

Read More →

Setting up my sub-domain using IaC, Terraform and Cloudflare

The last step to setting up my new was to use it from my own domain.

I debated using it exclusively at but I want to work on my own blog for that address.

So I’m going to use as… my microblog… at

Instead of doing it by hand on Cloudflare’s website I wrote it down as code.

Infrastructure as Code

Writing down your infrastructure as code has a lot of benefits:

  • it’s in one central place instead of spread out in different UIs on different sites
  • it can be version controlled
  • it can be readable by robots as well as other humans

You can use tools like Terraform, OpenTofu or Pulumi to do this.


I’m using Terraform at the moment. I might look into Pulumi in the future.

Terraform uses HCL for its configuration.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    cloudflare = {
      source  = "cloudflare/cloudflare"
      version = "~> 4.0"

My domain is managed by Cloudflare so at the start of my code I tell Terraform to use the cloudflare/cloudflare provider. This means I can manage different things in Cloudflare using a few settings.

provider "cloudflare" {
  api_token = var.cloudflare_api_token

Next I tell the Cloudflare provider to use a variable for my API token.

data "cloudflare_zone" "paultibbetts_dot_uk" {
  name = ""

Originally I asked ChatGPT how to do this, and it was technically correct, but it wanted me to go on the Cloudflare site, go to my domain, and copy the zone_id to pass in as a variable. Which is missing the point of doing this with code.

Instead, using data means this block is a data source, called paultibbetts_dot_uk, which uses Cloudflare’s cloudflare_zone module to get a zone (domain) with a name of

I don’t know or care what the ID is and I can automate the process of finding it out.

resource "cloudflare_record" "microblog" {
  zone_id =
  name    = "micro"
  type    = "CNAME"
  value   = ""
  ttl     = 300

When I create a cloudflare_record resource, called microblog, I can use the data source to get the ID of the zone for which domain the CNAME record should be added to.

variable "cloudflare_api_token" {
  type        = string
  description = "api token"

Because I don’t want to write down my API token in my code I set it up as a variable.

I can now pass in the token when I run Terraform:

terraform apply \ 
-var cloudflare_api_token="********" \ 

but I prefer loading it in as an environment variable.

You can do this by prefixing the variable with TF_VAR:

export TF_VAR_cloudflare_api_token=********

and remembering to source this file before you run Terraform commands

terraform apply


Now I can run terraform apply, confirm the proposed changes, and Terraform will use the Cloudlfare API to add the CNAME to my domain for me.

After making a quick change in I’m live at my own domain 🥳