I genuinely don’t think you should be following me.

It’s a bit weird.

Another outlet

I’ve started a second blog for one of my hobbies.

It’s for the people that I go camping with, the hiking friends I made on the West Highland Way, and random internet strangers who stumble across it and are into that sort of thing.

Which leaves my original blog for… what exactly?

Intended audience

Years ago I was using a certain tool to write CSS, the styling part of making a website. It doesn’t matter what it was called or who made it. I wanted to know about any updates that were released so I followed the creator on Twitter and for a while everything was fine.

Then one day they posted a very explicit photo of a woman in lingerie. It wasn’t the end of the world but it wasn’t what I followed them for.

I wasn’t the only person to feel this way and a few people got in touch and shortly after the creator made a second account to post photos from. Sorted.

Except it left me very confused about blogging.


So far I’m really liking Micro.blog. It blurs the line between proper blogging and just posting a photo of the thing you’re looking at. It’s Twitter, Wordpress and Instagram all in one, which seems ideal for a hiking and camping blog.

Except as a second blog in my Micro.blog account all the posts to the timeline are still going out as me.

And that’s what I was trying to avoid in the first place.

I can’t imagine someone following me for my tech opinions and then seeing a photo of a tent. It’s not quite the lingerie example but it’s not what they followed me for.

Don’t follow me

So my general advice is don’t follow me.

I’m still finding my feet when it comes to blogging, the content is all over the place and my writing style is still taking shape.

But even on the day I get my shit together I still don’t think you should follow “me”.

Subscribe maybe?

I’ll be creating a new page after this goes out with all the topics you could subscribe to.

It’ll be a short list.

Hiking and camping

My outdoors content goes on my new blog, P in the wild.

You can follow that by adding the RSS feed to your feed reader.


I post shorter content on my microblog.

You can follow this account on Micro.blog or with RSS.

I don’t have that many categories right now so it’s all or nothing.

Photos of food, opinions on tech, problems with blogging.

Anything that comes to mind that needs posting there and then.

Proper blog

Which means I need a place for my “proper” blog, with “better writing” and “good content”.

As a web developer I have this overwhelming urge to write the code for this myself. As a blogger I’d like the content to not be shit. So for now this is still being worked on.

I’ll start posting updates on it when I’ve got something to share.

And won’t see them, because you aren’t going to follow me, right?

That’d be a bit weird.