I cycled 50 miles for weeknotes 003.

And that was pretty much all I did. You can see the evidence on my blog. I also wrote up what it meant for me here.

I wasn’t actively fishing for replies, or maybe I was, but I was nonetheless grateful to the commenters who left messages when I completed it.

The experience was such a shock to my system that I didn’t have the brainpower to be very productive doing anything else, and that was ok with me.

My new tent arrived on the Saturday and I had a go at setting it up before I took it for a real test on the Sunday.

I had meant to write these weeknotes there at camp in my new tent but there’s something about getting out into nature, away from screens, that makes it very difficult to instead look at a smaller screen than you normally would.

I opted for no screens and so weeknotes were postponed.

I didn’t think it would take this long to write them though.

a trekking pole tent and a camping chair on grass near an unused quarry that has filled with water